Learn Fijian Language: Pronunciation

Bula Vinaka!

Come learn the Fijian Language with us. IT IS FUN. You should try and learn a few basic Fijian words before you meet Fijians and they will love and appreciate that.

To fully grasp the Fijian pronunciation of every word, you will need to quickly learn how to pronounce the Vowels which is slightly different to the English version of "a, e, i , o and u".

This is important because the vowels in the Fijian Language determines the sounds or pronunciation when accompanied by letters.

The Fijian pronunciation of the vowels are as given below:

Fijian Pronunciation


“a” is “ah” as in art..

"e" is "eh" as in egg.

“i” is”e” as in eat..

“o” is “or” as in on.

“u” is”oo” as in cool.


Fijian letters are mostly accompanied by vowels to form words that determine a major part in their pronunciation.

The letters: b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, y are all accompanied by vowels to form the basis of how we pronounce them.

(Note: x and z are not used in the Fijian Language)

​B (b)

“ba” is “bah” as in but.

​Letter "b" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"be" is "bhe" as in bet. The island of Beqa is pronounced “Beng-gah”.

"bi" is "be" as in bee.

"bo" is "boh" as in boat."bu" is "boo" as in boot. You’ll hear “bula” or “hello” many times. You may notice the slight humming “m”, almost silent at the beginning. When something precedes the “b”, then the “m” sound becomes more pronounced. The formal “hello”, Ni Sa Bula, is pronounced “ni sahm” boola”.


The letter C can be very confusing when pronounced in the Fijian Language. It takes the "th" sound in the beginning of every word where c leads other preceding letters in a word. While C in English takes a K sound in Fijian, The Car word in English starts with C while in Fijian, a similar word as in Cara is pronounced "The...Rar".

C (c)

“ca” is “the” as in “thumb”.

Letter "c" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"ce" is "they (silent y)" as in that. So “moce” meaning goodbye is pronounced “moe-they”.

"ci" is "thee" as in think.

"co" is "tho" as in thought.

"cu" is "thoo" as in through.


​D (d)

“da” is “dah” as in dart.

Letter "d" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"de" is "dhe" as in date.

"di" is "dee" as in dig. The correct pronunciation of Nadi, is closer to “Nahn-di” than “Nan-di”.

"do" is "dho" as in dough.

"du" is "doo" as in duplicate.


F (f)

"fa" is "far" as in father.

Letter "f" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"fe" is "feh" as in fetch.

"fi" is "fhi" as in physical.

"fo" is "foh" as in phone.

"fu" is "phoo" as in food.



"ga" is "gah" as in singer.

Letter "g" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"ge" is "geh" as in sing-it.

"gi" is "ghi" as in singing.

"go" is "goh" as in son(gho).

"gu" is "ghoo" as in good.



“ja” is “cha” as in “champion”.

Letter "c" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"je" is "che" as in change. 

"ji" is "chee" as in cheese.

"jo" is "cho" as in chalk.

"ju" is "choo" as in choose.


K (k)

“ka” is “kha” as in “colour”.

Letter "k" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"ke" is "khe" as in cake. 

"ki" is "kee" as in key.

"ko" is "kho" as in cocoa.

"ku" is "khoo" as in cookie.


L (l)

“la” is “lah” as in “colour”.

Letter "l" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"le" is "leh" as in lemon. 

"li" is "lee" as in limosine.

"lo" is "loh" as in low.

"lu" is "loo" as in loot.


M (m)

“ma” is “mah” as in “mum”.

Letter "m" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"me" is "meh" as in met. 

"mi" is "mee" as in me.

"mo" is "moh" as in mosquito.

"mu" is "moo" as in movie.

You’ll hear “moce” or “good bye” many times. The formal “moce”, Ni sa moce is pronounced “Nee sah moh they”.


N (n)

“na” is “nah” as in “nun”.

Letter "n" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"ne" is "nhe" as in net. 

"ni" is "nee" as in knee.

"no" is "noh" as in know.

"nu" is "noo" as in canoe.


P (p)

“pa” is “par” as in “partner”.

Letter "n" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"pe" is "phe" as in perimeter. 

"pi" is "pee" as in peace.

"po" is "poh" as in pocket.

"pu" is "poo" as in put.


Q (q)

“qa” is “qah” as in “gut”.

Letter "n" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"qe" is "ghe" as in get. 

"qi" is "gee" as in ghee.

"qo" is "goh" as in got.

"qu" is "goo" as in good.


R (r)

“ra” is “rah” as in “round”.

Letter "n" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"re" is "rhe" as in rent. 

"ri" is "re" as in wrist.

"ro" is "roh" as in raw.

"ru" is "roo" as in kangaroo.


S (s)

“sa” is “sar” as in “Saturday”.

Letter "n" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"se" is "seh" as in sell. 

"si" is "see" as in seek.

"so" is "soh" as in sold.

"su" is "soo" as in sooth.


T (t)

“ta” is “tah” as in “tunnel”.

Letter "n" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"te" is "the" as in text. 

"ti" is "tee" as in tea.

"to" is "toh" as in toll.

"tu" is "too" as in took.


V (v)

“va” is “vah” as in “vulture”.

Letter "n" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"ve" is "vhe" as in vacate. 

"vi" is "vee" as in visit.

"vo" is "voh" as in volcano.

"vu" is "voo" as in voodoo.


W (w)

“wa” is “wah” as in “what”.

Letter "n" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"we" is "whe" as in went. 

"wi" is "wee" as in win.

"wo" is "woh" as in worst.

"wu" is "woo" as in woman.


Y (y)

“ya” is “yah” as in “yarn”.

Letter "n" with accompanying vowels "e, i, o. u."

"ye" is "yhe" as in yes 

"yi" is "yee" as in yeast.

"yo" is "yoh" as in york.

"yu" is "you" as in you.


Apart from letters standing with Vowels, we do have some Fijian words where letters are not accompanied by vowels (especially DR)

"dra" is drah as in drug

"dre" is dreh as in dredge

"dri" is dree as in drift

"dro" is droh as in drop

"dru" is drooh as in droop





Basic Fijian Words